Home / News / Irish Squash EGM Postponed
Irish Squash EGM Postponed
Archive, News | 04.10.2023

Irish Squash EGM Postponed

Home / News / Irish Squash EGM Postponed
Archive, News | 04.10.2023
On September 25th, an online EGM was held to consider motions proposed by the Board of Irish Squash to change our Constitution.
The President provided an outline of the proposed changes which are aligned with our Strategic Plan. The main aim is to support the necessary change in Board structure, allowing it to become more strategic rather than operational.
Following discussion amongst those attending the EGM, it became clear that further information was required on the operational changes arising from voting in an updated Constitution. Therefore, the President proposed a vote on postponing the EGM and this was passed by a simple majority of members present.
The meeting minutes can be viewed below – Minutes Irish Squash EGM 2023