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Euro U19 Championships
Archive, News | 28.03.2013

Euro U19 Championships

Home / News / Euro U19 Championships
Archive, News | 28.03.2013

Euro U19 Team Championships, Switzerland

Just lost out to Denmark for 11th place, so it is 12th place for Ireland – So,so close to a top 8 position. Margins are so tight at this level!!

Well done to the whole team for a magnificent effort, it has been a long week for the team especially the players who played in the individual championships as well.

IrelandIRL[IRL] – DEN[DEN] Denmark: 1-2

Time: Sun 31/03/2013 10:30
Draw: Team – 9-16
Score: 1-2


Match overview
Order Event IrelandIRL[IRL] DEN[DEN] Denmark Score Points Duration
1 MS1
Michael Craig Ireland[IRL]
Denmark[DEN] Thomas Laursen
10-12 11-5 6-11 9-11 0-1 0:46
2 MS2
Sean Conroy Ireland[IRL]
Denmark[DEN] Christian Steffensen
11-7 11-3 13-11 1-0 0:23
3 WS
Breanne Flynn Ireland[IRL]
Denmark[DEN] Line Falsig Berthou
6-11 7-11 11-4 11-2 10-12 0-1 0:49


Breaking News (Match reports by Henry Gillanders)


Place 11/12

Ireland V Denmark

Craig v Laursen

Trademark backhand cross court volley with nick opener from Michael
From opening exchanges it doesn’t look like Michael will be in trouble in this match although complacency can be dangerous, – 2 tins from Laursen brings the score to 4-1
Great cross court drive to backhand side from the Dane 4-3
A few tins from Michael and the Dane gets to 6-6

This score is slightly flattering the Danish player. He doesn’t seem to have any killer shots, it is  just Michael being a bit careless when trying to go short. 8-8

Another careless half  hit shot 8-9  A stroke gets Michael to game ball 10-9
Tight forehand drive and 2 misses from Michael and game over 10-12

This game is really Michael’s to lose and he is going about it the right way. Needs to find a bit of bite to his play much too casual.

A little bit more bounce in Michael’s movement at the start of this game.
Let ball and Michael puts  serve in tin. 0-1
Smashing volley nick on forehand side gets Michael to 3-1

Finally it looks like Michael is getting the upper hand in this game  8-3
Dane returns serve to tin to give Michael game ball 10-3

Two tight balls on backhand side from Dane  get back to 10-5
Two tins later game to Michael 11-5

Michael slowly returning to his fully alert state. Nine days of squash under his belt fatigue is understandable


Dame looks like a man with no ideas in the first few exchanges
However Michael is making him look good.
Super drive from Laursen to go ahead 3-4
A bad no let decision (should have been a stroke) get the Dane to 4-7

The score should not be 6-10  but it is. Michael making mistake after mistake. A very much below par performance from Michael so far


Michael needs to smell the coffee very soon!!

Laursen is a bread and butter player and bread and butter may be enough get him a win in this match
The Dane goes 1-3 up

A better rally from Michael but finished with another tin – sloppy finishing
Then a return serve hit out and a no pressure tin 2-7

(Paul asks Sean to save us!)

Michael pulls 2 back and the Dane then hits a cross court volley with nick 4-8
Super frantic rally the first in the match, Dane doing court sprints and then a mistake 6-8

7-10 match ball
A no let decision  – the Dane thinks he has a stroke and the match.

Michael earns a stroke after another frantic rally, 9-10 -the Dane is apoplectic at the decision

However a solid cross court drive to the forehand side wins it for Laursen 9-11
Disappointing !
Conroy v Steffensen

This match is tinged with a little sadness as this is Sean’s last match for Ireland as a junior.  Sean has been a great player for Ireland over his junior career and a highly loved and team member.I have no doubt he will go on to represent Ireland as a senior player in the future. He will be missed from the junior ranks! Good luck Sean!!

Steffensen is a tall, bearded U19,  (going on 23 years),  player, hair tied up like a samurai warrior
Sean is dwarfed by this big Dane

As expected the Dane hits hard but doesn’t turn so easily
Sean races to a 4-0 score

Dane works  his way back 4-3. Sean stops his run with a boast that the Dane’s frame can’t get to  5-3

A tasty volley drop off a cross court gets Sean 8-6.

Even at this early stage I sense the Dane is feeling the heat. It takes a lot of energy to move a frame like that around at such pace
Easy cross court drive wins the first for Sean

Paul told  Sean to make his opponent bend more to get to the ball with lower hit shots

Sean obliges and you can see the effort required by the Dane to get out of his low lung.
Sean’s uses this tactic to get to 5-1 Steffensen has a pained facial expression
Seems reluctant now to even go for the low balls. 7-2

Amazingly  Sean scrapes up  3 balls  from front courier,  back corner, front corner, back corner and a then plays a boast that lands tight, the great Dane just stands fully bent over hands on his knees looking towards the door – he doesn’t want this.
Sean finishes  easy 11-3


This game should last 8 mins  11.53

Steffensen has a second wind at the start of this game going 5-2 up with renewed vigour.

A few scrape ups from Sean in an intense rally gets Sean back in at 4-5
The Dane has to fold soon. 5-6

A lovely cross court drop from back catches Steffensen 7-6

A tired drive into the tin gets Sean to 8-7
9-8  Sean really turning the screw match ball 10-9

A tin from Sean prolongs the game  10-10
Sean doesn’t reach a boast from back 10-11
Match ends with Steffensen tripping over Sean on his way to backhand side wall  and landing on deck- strangely no appeal for let – I knew Steffensen wanted to go home.

Sean ends his junior career with a win!

Breanne has the honour of the decider


Flynn V Falsig

Long first rally and Falsig get caught up in herself 1-0.
Breanne gets to 3-1 but a perfect drive get Falsig back in.3-2

Falsig is very determined but keeps her position at least 3 feet behind the T , possibly something for Breanne to capitalise on as her opponent tires.

However the score now stands at 5-7
Super tight and deceptive drive from the Dane 6-8
Falsig finishes with a perfect length glued and dying to the backhand side 6-11

Very long rally ends with a drive cross court that Breanne can’t get her full racquet on 1-1
A nick 1-3
A tin 1-4
Another nick in same area of backhand side wall just at the back service
line 1-5
Two good cross court drives get Breanne back to 3-5
A super rally where Breanne was running her opponent around but ends in an unfortunate stroke against  3-6
Falsig’s strength wins her 3 points 3-9
Breanne hits back with a great drive and 2 errors from the Dane 6-9
Dane drives to get game ball 6-10
Strong volley right at Falsig to which she could adjust her body in time  7-10
A clash and Breanne holds her back with a pained facial expression . Breanne then hits ball into floor from an innocuous cross court  7-11

Looking at the two players in the interval the Dane looks much more fatigued maybe Breanne can take advantage in the 3rd

Breanne starts well,  finishes with a great drive 1-0
But then a tin 1-1
A tin from Falsig 2-1
Another placed drive from Breanne 3-1
Falsig is now looking tired and slower to the ball.
I think Breanne can win this if she just keeps the ball out of the tin
She is really working Falsig hard now 5-2
Perfect cross court in to the forehand side and Falsig just flaps at it 7-2
Easy now for Breanne
Falsig not running for anything at all
Very routine easy drive to finish   11-4


I expect Falsig will come out with renewed purpose but if Breanne can keep the early rallies long and painful, it should be easy in the end.

Falsig is red faced and dripping sweat as she returns Breanne is the picture of calm

Breanne  quickly takes first 3 points  – (I was wrong Falsig doesn’t want to play at all )

6-1 same story Breanne working her like a pro. 7-1
Breanne’s boasts are tearing the heart out of Falsig’s resolve

Easy 11-2

There is only one winner now in my mind barring a catastrophe, Breanne  is still cam and breathing normally,  Falsig appears in serious stress. This is possibly the difference between a player playing both events and a player just the team event


Falsig tries to summon up all her strength in a fast paced  first rally but Breanne takes it 1-0
Two tins from Breanne 1-2
Falsig has found her second wind at last but Breanne equal to anything thrown at her

Oh disaster ….! .Breanne reaches for a high ball to Volley over on the right hand side and loses her balance crashing into the wall and ending up on the floor
Twisted ankle – an injury break to try and work it out

3 minutes and Breanne goes back in to play 2-3

Breanne put serve down but wins next two 4-4

Smashing drive 5-4
Breanne is a little tentative on her feet and needs to finish this from the T

Great drop from Falsig and great drive from Breanne 6-7
Falsig really trying to force breanne to run. 7-7
Breanne moving better probably on an adrenaline painkiller and forces an error from the Dane  8-7
Breanne tins 8-8
Tremendous rally ends in stroke to Falsig 8-9
Another one and Breanne ends up hitting it out of court 8-10
match ball
Stroke to Breanne

Magic stuff from Breanne cross court drive winner 10-10

Class backhand volley drop from the Dane which nicked on backhand side 10-11

Short rally and from the front Breanne’s attempted drive goes skyward.
Match to Denmark!

An heroic performance from Breanne no doubt the fall and ankle injury had its part. Credit to Falsig she was down and out, but really found something in the 5t to put the pressure back on Breanne, (who was equal to it), and consequently the events that led to the injury.  Where is the ice?
So 12th place it is in Zurich


Match overview
Order Event IrelandIRL[IRL] FIN[FIN] Finland Score Points Duration
1 MS2
Oisin Logan Ireland[IRL]
Finland[FIN] Jami Äijänen
6-11 11-7 6-11 11-6 7-11 0-1 0:51
2 MS1
Michael Craig Ireland[IRL]
Finland[FIN] Kristian Rautiainen
13-11 11-3 11-7 1-0 0:33
3 WS
Breanne Flynn Ireland[IRL]
Finland[FIN] Emilia Soini
10-12 4-11 4-11 0-1 0:22

Logan v Aijanen

Places 9-12

A smashing backhand drive from AIjanen shows his intent.
Oisin trying to move his opponent around but the Finn likes to hit at a severe pace which is making it difficult for Oisin to slow it all down and get control 4-4

Oisin slips on the T and seems to have taken a knock but back up again

Plays a searing forehand drive to make it 5-5

Oisin not finding his rhythm yet 6-9
Great deception, sends Oisin the wrong way,to get the Finn to game ball
Easy finish 6-11
Oisin hasn’t found the gears yet.


Much more focus from Oisin, first rally is long and Finn forced into an error 1-0

Oisin having to put in some hard running in this phase of the game – the ball is being cracked by both players Oisin should have a stroke but let given, the Finn then takes the point 2-3

The Finn is now been moved around the court and losing control of the T
Super drive into the forehand side brings Oisin to 9-4
Extended rally and tin
and then and error from Aijanen give Oisin the game

The Finn is receiving a serious talking to by his coach- Oisin visits the bathroom – good sign
Oisin takes the first point
Second point consists of an alley game Oisin finally goes for the Egyptian spectacular and tins it 1-1

Oisin forced to the floor leaving his opponent with a simple tap in, misses
The bang as Oisin hit the deck must have unnerved him! 2-1

At 3-3 Oisin plays the sweetest back hand drop
winner,  but a let given!!
The Finn takes the next 2 points 3-7

Oisin makes a spectacular save while stretched flat out on the floor, unfortunately loses the point 4-6 – no justice !

The finn seems to have his shape back.
Another slip by Oisin (that’s 3 slips in this game)
Oisin played a lot of the 2nd game from the floor
New runners required !


Important that  Oisin takes this game

Aijanen gets to 0-2
Then tins 1-2
Super drive 1-3
Delicate drop forehand 2-3
An unforced tin and double hop 4-3
Oisin now orchestrating play 5-3
Another long rally finished with probably the best drive in any Irish match at this tournament
A terrible call by referee calling Oisin on a double bounce after he won rally.
Paul mutters ^*#^*

He wins the next point 8-5- justice!
Oisin too strong for the Finn in this phase

Great deception from Finn 9-6
A tin from the Finn
Game ball magnificent backhand cross court drive finishes it 11-6

Paul has sent Oisin to the bathroom !!!


Paul predicts this game to last 20mins if the Finn can get his game back.

Start 15.48
Two decisive winers makes it 2-1
Bad miss on the drop
Tin from Finn
Finn now in command forcing a number of errors from Oisin 5-7
Two easy shots into tin from Oisin 5-9
A delicate boast from Finn 5-10
Oisin looks for a plausible let – no let

Craig v Rautiainan


Start is typical of Michael just pushing the ball around looking for weaknesses.

Despite this the score is in the Finns favour 4-6

Michael plays a forehand boast through the eye of a needle and it is a winner 5-6

Another fantastic boast on backhand side gets Michael to 8-7
Long rally ends with a tin from Finn 9-7
A pinpoint drive on back side from Finn and a tin from Michael 9-9
Another accurate drive 9-10
Stroke 10-10
Perfect play by Michael
with a number of gut wrenching boasts softens the Finn up
An inevitable tin – gives Michael the game



Messy start, short rallies but in Michael’s favour 4-1

Pace increases dramatically in this point, 2 let’s slow it down again
No rhythm in this game yet,  average rally about 5 shots

Michael doing all the damage 11-3

This match so far is nothing to write home about !!
But we are getting the points

At 2-1 the rally hots up, Michael even playing the ball around his back to smiles from the audience. He loses the point however 2-2

A super short  boast get michael to 4-3 then a tin from the Finn 5-3

Rautiainen gets it back to parity 5-5
then goes ahead 6-5
Two tins from Finn
At 8-6 Michael is in exhibition mode  which can be dangerous  9-7
The sweetest volley drop on back hand side gives Michael match ball
and a tin from the Finn fin- ishes it.

Over to Breanne next

Flynn v Soini

Breanne must be a good 9 inches taller than Soini, I  hope her reach will be an advantage here

Breanne straight in with a winner  but that looks like as easy as it will get
Soini very determined but Breanne getting the best out of the exchanges at this point
Great cross court drive from Breanne 7-4
Breanne then just misses me with a wayward shot out of court !!

Soini making headway 8-8
Breanne drops 9-8
Soini boasts 9-9
10-11 gives Soini game ball ans she
finishes it 10-12

Soini means business and takes a 1-5 lead.

Breanne seems not to have an answer to Soini’s  power and quality shots
Soini quickly gets to 3-10
Game to Soini 3-11

Paul really needs to work his magic to get Breanne back on track
Breanne  starts well forcing Soini to put the ball out of play but Soini is quickly back  1-3
A drop from Breanne and then a tin from Soini   3-3

Breanne back in  it 4-3
A tin from Breanne and a tight fore hand drop from Soini  4-5
Soini takes control  of the game again
Breanne is in serious trouble now
A tight duel of drops at the front and Soini comes out on top

Prize : a 10.30 start tomorrow and a fight for 11th place against Denmark

Hard going!!!

IrelandIRL[IRL] – BEL[BEL] Belgium: 2-1

Time: Sat 30/03/2013 10:00
Draw: Team – 9-16
Score: 2-1


Match overview
Order Event IrelandIRL[IRL] BEL[BEL] Belgium Score Points Duration
1 MS2
Oisin Logan Ireland[IRL]
Belgium[BEL] Jordy Camps
11-8 11-13 11-5 11-2 1-0 0:39
2 MS1
Sean Conroy Ireland[IRL]
Belgium[BEL] Toon Van Baekel
11-6 11-6 11-8 1-0 0:27
3 WS
Griffin Gillanders Ireland[IRL]
Belgium[BEL] Tinne Gilis
1-11 4-11 0-1 0:13
Points Won Draws Lost Matches Games Points
Ireland 1 1 0 0 2 1 6 3 82 70
Belgium 0 0 0 1 1 2 3 6 70 82

Logan v Camps

Oisin starts well catching Camps with a number of perfectly weighted drop shots Camps is hanging back a little and seems a little disinterested. Oisin playing very patiently and picking Camps off almost at will. Massive rally at 7-6 finished with a tight drive from Oisin 8-6. Camps on floor trying to pick ip a back hand side drop 10-6. Game to Oisin 11-8.

Oisin’s’ patient and measured game is working for now. Camps plays a super drop to the backhand side 1-0 camps seems up for this game after an ear bashing from his coach at the interval. Goes to a 2-5 lead. Oisin works his way back to parity 5-5
Two super drops from Oisin 8-5. Two drops into tin 8-7. A deep ball into back hand corner gives Camps game ball 9-10
Oisin saves 10-10. A tremendous backhand volley cross court with a nick gives Oisin game ball 11-10. Camps saves 11-11
Tin 11-12. A superb back hand drop nick from Camps wins the game 11-13. The ear roasting method of coaching seemed to work.

Oisin really doesn’t need to change much stay patient and tight. Camps is still enthusiastic but Oisin goes 7-2 lead. Camps still trying but Oisin staying in control 9-3. Oisin cruises home 11-5. Probably his easiest game of the tournament.
Short and sweet!
The contrast between the two coaches is stark
Camps getting a good talking to and  cool Oisin visits the bathroom. But calm Paul gets his message across in a couple of words -keep it  tight and varied.


Oisin starts off where he finished  racing to 3-0 lead. A mistake into the tin gets camps back in 1-3. Oisin scrambles a few back to gain the momentum again 6-1, 7-1, 8-1. Camps looks finished, 9-1, 9-2, 10-2. All over 11-2.
Last night Oisin predicted that he could win this match 3-1 when asked by Paul if he thought he could beat Camps!

Over to Sean now.

Conroy v Van Bae

Sean took exception to my remarks regarding his ‘performance ‘against England. For the record he thought he played close to his best!
What do I know!

Sean should win this match, but  again will the exertions of yesterday and the toll of the individual championships have an impact. It seems to me playing both tournaments requires a super level of fitness. This is something that I think needs to be looked at for next year. Playing the two tournaments is like a marathon littered with sprints over a ten day period. A intense fitness regimen is required. We have to win this a