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Refereeing & Officiating

Access essential training materials, certification opportunities, and practical resources to refine your skills and enhance your officiating

Rules of Squash (for players and emerging referees)

This season Squash Ireland is running a repeating series of on-line information sessions on the Rules of Squash. Two series have already been completed in season 24-25 and the next group of three is described below. It is useful but not necessary to take them in order so please feel free to dip in and out!

The links to these live sessions will will appear below on the day.

  1. Rules 11 to 15 on Monday, February 10 at 7:00 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. This session has been completed.
  2. Rules 1 to 7 on Monday, February 24, at 7:00 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. The link to the session will appear here on the day.
  3. Rules 8, 9 and 10 on Monday, March 10 at 7:00 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. The link to the session will appear here on the day.

As preparation or as an alternative you can access a recording of these sessions on YouTube as follows:

  1. Rules 1 to 7: This is a link to a 36-min YouTube video of Session 1.
  2. Rules 8, 9 and 10 This is a link to the 31-min Youtube video of Session 2.
  3. Rules 11 to 15 This is a link to a 33-min Youtube video of Session 3.

Squash Ireland Policy on playing squash and understanding the rules:

In line with World Squash Federation policy, Squash ireland encourages all players to achieve the Player Certificate – Introductory Level on the World Squash Officiating platform. This will help inprove player enjoyment and safety as well as raise the general level of understanding of the rules. Representative players from U17 upwards must achieve the Player Certificate – Tournament Level. This is since the last ‘Worlds’.

Players who successfully complete the WSO Level 1 Course (after the introductory Level 0) can apply to the Squash Ireland refereeing secretary through [email protected] and request a voucher to cover the cost of receiving / downloading the WSO Level 1 Certificate.

All qualifications can be accessed on the WSO website.

World Squash Officiating

World Squash Officiating refereeing platform

The refereeing arm of World Squash, has designed a useful website to provide online referee education, training and certification. You will be able to move through the stages of your squash refereeing journey – from Level 0, to Level 1 (equivalent to previous Squash Ireland Club Grade), on to Level 2 (Tournament Grade) then Level 3 (National) and even higher if you have the appetite for it!

The higher levels (from Level 2 onwards) will still require appraisals by WSO assessors and Squash Ireland is working with WSO in that regard. The present requirement to have two successful assessments for Level 2 and upwards will continue. We are delighted to again have the experience of  Joe Ruddy and Brian Williams to help with mentoring emerging referees with help from current Squash Ireland Refereeing Secretary, Lee Healy.

World Squash Officiating refereeing platform

Refereeing Resources

Good refereeing adds to the enjoyment of competitive squash. The downloadable resources listed below will help in that regard.